Good Bye Facebook . . . Hello 'MYVERSE' Do you really own your content when it is on someone else's platform? Humm OWN YOUR CONTENT . . . It is Easy . . . How to Leave FaceBook with YOUR Digital Assets. What is 'MyVERSE' . . . Well Just that it is a new word I came up with to explain why EVERYONE can OWN their CONTENT by Publishing YOUR Own Website . . . you OWN it . . . Nothing is for Free . . . 'MyVERSE' is when you have secured YOUR content in areas YOU own not letting these little pop up apps and web platforms suck every last bit of your creative juices for their nefarious purposes. Here is a link to my Instagram Images, I OWN them now because I have published them on the Internet which constitutes Copyright, not so sure if they sit in an app that you do NOT have control over and it can change, be hacked or close without giving you your content. Let's go back to Gutenburg and Publish! Yes! You too can have 'MyVERSE' all you need to do is educate yourself and liberate your Data and Images from the likes of Facebook, Meta and Instagram. Stop Serving CORPORATE SOCIAL MEDIA YOUR data and creative intelligence, OWN IT! You can join our free support group on Clubhouse in TechHeroes Club or contact me via my website home page to calendar a virtual meeting. Now, let's look at how we can recover our content from the clutches of the digital media sucking machine. Facebook/Meta WHATEVER, you love my DATA and I want it BACK! Ok, let's start . . . 1. Login to your account 2. go to Settings 3. YOUR Facebook Information Picture THIS . . . My OWNERSHIP of MY Posted Digital IMAGES When you publish YOUR images to YOUR website you have copyright and you can then share your images from a place of generosity allowing others to browse images and use images by request, donation or gifting images for community building. Once you realize that you have had a 'hole in your pocket' you will quickly get out your darning needle and get busy mending . . . That is what we are doing here! Taking back our Gold and Creative Intellectual Property. Follow Me it is Easy You See! Join Us Every Tuesday on Clubhouse at 11am est for support and accountability . . . in the meanwhile thanks for reading, you can use an image from the following link, PICTURE THIS, just link back to the originating page and give credit to the author.
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AuthorJenny Donegan, Founder of TechHeroes and Bloomington Stories. My goal is to create a vibrant network of informed and enlightened techies, Sharing is Caring. Sharing ideas and supporting each other in our passion and mission to "Bridge the Digital Divide". Please contact me if you want to publish YOUR web presence it is so easy and puts you in the drivers seat of your digital world! ArchivesCategories |